Ear to Hear is a wonderful social initiative for women by women. In today’s world, when mental health is one of the major causes for stress and health issues, Richa Mehta stepped up and created the platform of Ear to Hear to help our women come out and regain what she has lost – A smile.
To bridge the gap between communities to mental wellness by joining hands, team Ear to Hear is closely working together with a strong pool of talented women.
“Feminism isn’t about making women stronger. Women are already strong; it’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength.”
-G.D. Anderson
Keeping in mind this vision and to celebrate our strong women, Ear to Hear is hosting its 1st Annual Meet & Women Empowerment Awards 2022 on 26th July 2022 at New Delhi. The event will see a celebration and honouring of all our Ear to Hear women who have been an integral part and contributor to this beautiful platform. So, hold on your breath because countdown has begun.
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