The empowered woman is powerful beyond measure and beautiful beyond description, that’s what *Priyanka Rout* Founder: *THE PRIDE – Beauty And Business* believes in. Daddy’s little girl with stars in her eyes, ambition in her heart and courage in her soul, born in a village in Bengal, brought up in a small town in Odisha, blossomed into a B.tech in computer science and engineering, and arrived at the land of dreams, Mumbai.

While babies could make mothers ease down their fire, her elder kid stoked the fire of ambition even more within her. As a result, she became a Brand partner with Oriflame India Pvt Ltd while expecting, and boldly pursued clients, representatives and the works, which was a far cry from what she had intended her pregnancy to be!
As she kept on widening her circle of entrepreneurs and clients, she was so overjoyed with her work that she would gladly take her baby along at the age of 2.5 months!!

Gradually, the team of women associates increased, and women were being empowered, initially one at a time, and soon, very rapidly. In fact, technology has ensured rapid training procedures running seamlessly.
This is how *THE PRIDE – Beauty and Business* was formed.
From becoming their *own Boss* to achieving *Financial independence* her team have made their individual identity.
Dealing in *6 categories* such as
1. Skin care
2. Colour cosmetics
3. Wellness
4. Personal Hygiene
5. Fragrance
6. Accessories

They provide *Business opportunity* and all necessary support
All *digital trainings* via zoom and Google meet ,
How to start, promotion and marketing strategies
Training about *social media* platforms such as Watsapp, Facebook, Instagram, you tube, Linked in.
You can connect for Skin Consultations, Gift hampers and Collaborations.
Some of the mile stones in her career till date are:
1. Achieved *Director* position with Oriflame India Pvt Ltd
2. *Winner* Nari tu Narayani Beauty pageant Season 1
3. *X-factor* awards winner for wellness category organised by XtraordiNAARI fb community
4. Mrs. Most *photogenic* subtitle in Mystique India 2020 Beauty pageant
5. *Jury* member for the Talent Round of
Nari tu Narayani Beauty pageant
India’s Prince and Princess
Season 2

6. *Core committee* member of organising team of Nari tu Narayani *Beauty pageant* season 2
7. *Core committee* member of organising team of *India’s prince* and princess Season 2
8. *Core committee* member of kasarwadavali Durga *Puja* organised by Shree Jagannath Seva Trust .
9. Walked the Ramp for brands such as *Max* , *Marks and Spencers* , *Zaara* etc
10. *Sponsor* to many events organised by various Women empowering FB community such as Inspired women connect, Xtraordinaari, Queen Beez, Be bold women, Caring and Versatile mothers and daughters group.
11. Have *featured* in many Local *news papers* such as gurjarbhoomi, Lewa jagat, Shabdraaj, Swarajya Toran, News Masala, Rayat Samachar.
12. Have *featured* in *Magazines* such a Mystique, Xelebrate, BeBoldWomen Magazine, IWC News letter.
13. *Represented* Oriflame Mumbai Branch during the Women’s day 2018 promotional video on social media
13. Frequent *Speaker* at mega events organised by Oriflame Mumbai.
14. *Social media influencer*
While this seems as a rather exhaustive journey of achieving various accolades, her determination and vision to empower indicates that the journey has just begun, and many more milestones remain to be conquered.
She believes “Leaders lead by Example”.
She can be easily connected on
Watsapp: 8879642449

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