Shallu Jain, hosted a cultural event on the occasion of Teej on this Saturday at Te Amo, Ansal Plaza New Delhi The Gala Event was witnessed by who’s who of Delhi/NCR from Women Entrepreneurs to Doctors and from Professionals to Designer and Make Up Artists, Dr Shilpa Sheraz Verma, Tarot Card Reader Taara Malhotra, Corporate Trainer Puja Thakur, Priyanka Arora from Nice Holidays and Preeti Jain to name a few. Shallu Jain, organizer of Iconic Teej distributed Trichup Herbal Shampoos and complimentary vouchers from Appu Ghar and Pachouli Spa. All the Beautiful Divas looked gorgeous in green and yellow Indian attire theme. The afternoon was well organised for Dancing and singing and followed by Lunch

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