Zeba Rafiq has created spectacular content on fashion, YouTube and modeling which has made her tower above all in no time.she is just 20 years old.Embracing success and being at the top requires a lot of focus, hard work and dedication, without which one may not be able to make it. However, some passionate individuals have made it big early in their lives owing to their self belief and consistency in treading their path diligently, till they reach their destinations. No matter how tough their paths might be or how severe challenges they might face, they reach where they want to, despite all odds.

Zeba Rafique from Kolkata is one among them who understood that to achieve the best in life she had to start early and stay focused till she got there, and that’s what she did which made her the raging success she is today. She started her modeling career in 2021 while doing photo shot in Raff Academy, Zeba told that her interest has been in modeling,acting and dancing since the beginning. In her Commentary she started that after My Father’s death ,my mom ,my brothers Shahbaz Rafique and Sarfaraz Rafique always supported me and said that beta go ahead,i am always with you,after which she did not lose courage and become independent to achieve success. She gets so many betrayals and problems from the friends and society,but she stood against all and make a impact which changes everything. After participating in modeling shows and doing a marvelous performance,she brought laurels to her family and city.

Her career began with Miss kolkata 2021 as 1st Runner up and Best walk in Numaish and then she gets a Content Creation Intelligence award by the Moj for creators and she get certification of completion of Makeup Career Workshop 2022 organized by Airblack Beauty Club. In her Meantime,she got a offer from Mr Rick Acharaya who is great professional photographer,she also collaborate with the vertex9 in Haseena 2021 and Peace 2022, and she also collaborate with Minaj Khan in Kalkatiya Biryani 2022.she also launched her youtube video Depression which express much about stress and bonding with god

Her dreams is to being like her inspiration ,no other than the miss world 2000- Priyanka Chopra and walk on her foots steps , Zeba want to be Miss India and then Miss world to make india proud. Zeba gives the credit of victory to her family and her hard work. Because of her hard work,she constantly getting offers from many music album.

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