Prof. Dr. Parin Somani is Director of London Organisation of Skills Development and a Chief Editor of Global Research Journal. She is an Independent Academic Scholar, TEDx Speaker, Educator, International Motivational speaker, Author, Writer, Banker, Humanitarian, Philanthropist and Multi-International Award Winner. She has achieved Seven Doctorate degrees.She has been recognised Five times in the World Book of Records, Twice in the India Book of Records, Asia Book of Records, Karnataka Book of Records and also in the Golden Book of World Records.
Prof. Dr. Parin Somani was invited as Guest of Honour and received Nari Shakti Award 2022 at the Sharda University. She delivered a speech to inspire women coming from different backgrounds to believe in yourself so the world will believe you, Be honest and ethical in your day to day life and last thing she mentioned build bridges between societies around you globally.
Prof. Dr. Parin Somani received Award for Mrs Universe 2022 and crowned by Bollywood Actress Mahek Chahal on the celebration of 75th year of Independence of Azadi ka Amrit Mohatsav on 23rd December 2022 because of her humanitarian and philanthropic work in the field of education, women empowerment and youth development.

With the aim to help global societies in the field of Education, Women Empowerment and Youth Development Dr. Parin Somani has travelled to more than 107 countries around the world. She has dedicated her life to the service of humanity and shares her knowledge to build bridges between societies for sustainable development. She was invited to deliver her research at Harvard University. Dr Parin Somani was invited by Governors of different Indian States.. Dr Parin Somani has been inspiring many women globally and help them to grow and flourish in life , She has motivated individual woman to be bold and brave. Help others when they need your support and be the part of the wider solutions. She also encourage knowledge acquisition through women empowerment, education and skill development.
She has received numerous multi-international awards: Rastra Ratna 2022, The Most Inspiring Woman of the Earth Award 2022, Queen League Golden Award 2022, Golden Humanitarian Award 2022 for service to mankind.
On 20th December 2022, received Woman Leader Award in Skill Development from Woman Leaders Forum.
Dr. Parin Somani holds numerous designations contributing to societal betterment around the world with various academic institutions and NGO to help humanity .

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