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Saturn ,the planet of karma & justice transit 17 Jan ,2023-march 29,2025

Saturn ,the planet of karma & justice transit 17 Jan ,2023-march 29,2025
How it impact all zodiac signs ☺️.
You can check your ascendent lagna or moon sign .
*Aries* Saturn is going to transit in your 11 house ,It will bring new opportunities for you in your professional career and you will connect with highly reputed & experienced people.
*Taurus* For Taurus natives ,it will transit in 10 house ,the house of your profession and career
It will give new responsibilities and roles in your career and also you need to do more hardwork in your professional career.
*Gemini* Gemini your Shani dahiya has finally ended, Saturn will be in your 9 house of religion,higher education and philosophy.After 3 years you will feel relax in this transit.
Fortune will start to favor you and you will get the opportunity to travel and expand your spiritual beliefs .
You will become very serious about your spiritual growth .
*Cancer*  For cancer natives ,Saturn is going to transit in 8 house of death,rebirth & transformation.
Your personality will transform in this period and also you have to pay many karmic debts.There are chances of sudden inheritance or gains in this period.You need to be discipline in your eating habits .
*Leo* In this period , Saturn is going to transit in 7 house of relationships &partnership.
So those looking to get married ,may find a suitable groom or you may form new partnerships during this transit.Those who are in business will be more profitable while those who are in job might face troubles.
*Virgo* For Virgo natives,Saturn is going to transit in 6 house of routines , workplace and health . You will become more strict , disciplined in your routines and you will focus on your health .
This time you need to do more hardwork.
*Libra* For Libra natives , Saturn is going to be in your 5 house of love,romance, knowledge and kids.
You will gain wisdom related to kids & parenting.You will become more devoted to god and higher powers and spend time in chanting mantras. Time is favorable for planning a child.
For Scorpio natives, Saturn is going to transit in 4 house of happiness,mother & inner peace .You will get more responsibility related to your home and domestic affairs .
You need to spend time in meditation or things that makes you calm .
Saturn is going to transit in 3 house of communication,short distance travels and self efforts. You will have to put in more efforts in your communication skills and command over language
You can learn & invest in new skills during this time .
Saturn transit in your 2 house of speech ,family values and assets you will feel restrictions in expressing your true self and also with your family. The flow of income & savings will be average during this time however you will make investments for your long term future.
Saturn transit in your 1 house Aquarius and it will give you immense responsibility for your own self .You have to take care of your own self – your diet, your mental, emotional and physical health .
You will work hard in improving your own personality .
Saturn transit in your 12 house ,you will be devoted in spending time alone & in isolation.If you are planning to go abroad,this transit will favour you .You will gain through foreign connections or distant places
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About Rihan Ansari

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