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Dr. Shruti Gupta Model ,Doctor and Beauty queen 

Dr. Shruti Gupta is a 23 years old Model ,Doctor and Beauty queen who hails from a city which is known for UPSC and IIT…
It was a challenge for her to win this show Glamguidance Miss Earth India 2022 and become 1st Runnerup….
Coming from a conservative middle class family having an academic oriented background it was challenging for her to rule this glamour industry…
But its never impossible if you are dedicated and stubborn about your dreams…Fighting with journey of medicine to doing modeling at same time was quite challenging but results are beautiful…
Practicing medicine and walking as a ramp Model to Showstopper she broke many stereotypes….
Apart from fashion she holds an immense interest in field of literature and has also worked as a Radio Jockey on state level…
We wish her all the very best for her career in glamour industry!
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