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Popular Queens of Universe walked for a cause in Dubai

Popular Queens of Universe walked for a cause in Dubai
International sustainable fashion show was organised by Amarcine Production in 21st feb 2023 with popular queen from different countries walked  for the cause of Save Environment” Go Green” at Grand Sheraton, Dubai.
IAWA NGO from India created awareness for environmental protection in Dubai from 19 th till 23 rd feb 2023 in Dubai with associate event partner Link me events.
Thasveer M Salim was the show director.
The 2 days grand event was hosted by Expierenced Pooja Sudha from Dubai.
Honourary Doctrate was awarded to the achievers by The American University  by His Excellency
 Dr. Nawab Mir Nasir Ali Khan Honorary Consulate of the republic of Kazakhstan in Hyderabad, for their contribution towards sustainable development of the country .
The winners of different pageants world wide walked the ramp where in the  Grand Crowning  took place in the beautiful sea of Dubai in the Yacht  on 22nd February by  Dr Kabir KV,
COO -Pvt Office of Sheikh Majid Rashid Al Mualla.
Dr Daljeet kaur bollywood Actress ,Philonothripist, social activist ,president of IAWA, Ambassador of The American University and Amarr Bedi  of Amarcine Production has taken a pledge  to create awareness world wide with social activist and Queens who are seriously working for the sustainability of their country.
The cutting of trees , high rise buildings have created lots of impact on global warming which is cutting the life spam of our coming generations.Natural Disaster are all due to human beings putting lots of pressure on the Mother earth.The sustainability of the earth is the utmost need of the time.
The grand event was supported by  Grand Sheraton as venue partner, Food partner Khau Galli Makeup by Glam and beauty , Designing partner Nadine Ellithy  from Egypt and house of Ali from India ,smile partner implantree.
The motto of the event is to join hands together to give a better life to our future generation and leave a legacy behind so they can leave a healthy life.
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About Rihan Ansari

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