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Seema gumber 

Seema gumber
A popular personality also know as Bosslady is from Zeetv fame Dili darlings and Amazon fame Date baazi show .
She is an actres , model and enterprenuer , she is director to star byzzz events which curates n executes high profiled evebts across .
She is also an influencer n role model to many women around as being a mother she is managing her work life balance so efficiently then everyone should learn from her .
Apart from managing kids house n work she is also popular Socailite and well connected to the social world n society ,
She lives her life with her own terms n never looks back .
She says life is beautiful only if u stay positive n ambitious towards it .
She believes “ Every dark night is followed by a bright day  so keep moving n keep suing like a star” .
This is seema gumber tovu ol

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