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Home / Latest News / Help! My child is getting addicted to online gaming and chats – Encourage your child to play sports, read, draw or play an instrument or a board game to help build social skills, creativity and character, advice health experts

Help! My child is getting addicted to online gaming and chats – Encourage your child to play sports, read, draw or play an instrument or a board game to help build social skills, creativity and character, advice health experts

DUBAI: H ave you noticed a sud- den change in your child from being highly engaged, re- spectful and happy to showing a complete defiance of all rules? Do you suspect an addiction for online gaming and an aggression when games are banned? Are grades suffering in school and relationships with family mem- bers souring over time?
Dr. Monica de Sousa Mendes, a clinical psychologist at Dubai’s Valiant Clinic and Hospital, says, “Parents should take note if their children, especially teenagers, start showing recurrent mood shifts, going from being agitated, cranky or even aggressive to feel- ing calm and relaxed only when they are playing video games or if they are chatting online. They should also watch out for with- drawal symptoms. For instance, a child, who is unable to play a video game, experiences intense feelings of anger and frustration. Another is the excessive preoccu- pation with online chats and on- line games. Preoccupation with a pursuit is a key sign of any form of addiction.”
Dr. Mendes explains that par- ents should be attentive to a sig- nificant increase in aggression and hostility, especially when they are limited or restricted to play or stay online, or if there is declining interest in school ac- tivities, refusal to go to school, loss of interest in other social activities and isolating oneself or engaging in conflict with oth- ers when confronted about the amount of time they spend on- line. “The child or a teenager may start becoming argumen- tative and hostile or may lie and blame others, behaviors that will affect his relationships with his family or others,” she adds.
Dr Rafia Owera, a specialist pediatrician at Prime Medical Center, Jumeirah, says, “Parents can begin by explaining to their children the damage that re- sults from prolonged exposure to screen light and its harmful im- pact on the eyes. Specific hours of the day must be set for children to use their electronic games. The younger the child, the lesser their screen time will be. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the time authorised must be around 30 to 60 min- utes per day on school days and two hours or less on non- school days. More than two hours can develop an addiction, which will impact other aspects of their lives such as their grades at school as well as their social life. The more time a child spends in front of the screen, the more likely they will become inactive and isolated from others. Slowly, they will de- velop depression and loneliness Parents should encourage their kids to engage in activities such as playing sports, reading, play- ing chess or learning how to play an instrument.” – Esha Nag
(RIHAN ANSARI +919927141966)

About Rihan Ansari

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