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Elena Ponomareva is model

Elena Ponomareva is model

My name isElena Ponomareva. I’m from Russia. I am 45 years old. I am a mother of twosons. I am an Age+ model. How did Ibecome a model? If someone had told me 10 years ago that I would be a fashionmodel, I would have just laughed in response. All my life I have worked in thefield of economics and finance, I have been involved with my family. I quicklyclimbed the career ladder to the top, for this I needed to put a lot of effortand energy. But we must always remember that the resources of our body andpsyche are limited. If you do not treat yourself carefully, then a crisis andburnout will inevitably come.


Each of us experiences different kinds of crisesat different periods of his life. As a result of overcoming my crisis, Isuddenly discovered my abilities and a great desire to engage in creativity. Irealized that in the process of creating something beautiful, I completelydisconnect from the hustle and bustle of the world, my brain goes silent, and Icommunicate with myself at the subconscious level. I started designing,creating accessories and interior decorations. I plunge headlong into theprocess of creating beauty. After I started devoting more time to myself and mycreativity, I noticed how everything around me had changed. The quality of lifehas changed for the better, that’s for sure!Before, Ididn’t like myself in photos. I didn’t like the sound of my voice, I constantlyfound some flaws in myself that upset me very much.


Now I understand howdestructive this destruction of myself from the inside was. Sometimes I feltcompletely lost, as if I wasn’t living my life.So, I found mysalvation in beauty! One day my life turned upside down. On this day, thethought came to me that I am also part of the beauty of this world! From thatday, my development in the fashion world began.In 2021, Iparticipated in a beauty contest among Age+ models in Turkey and received thetitle of Vice Miss. I returned home with the crown and it motivated me tocontinue developing in this direction.I am my own producer.I find ideas for photo shoots, gather a team of professionals (photographer,stylist, makeup artist). We do amazing works that are placed with dignity onthe covers of glossy magazines in different countries.In society, itis often possible to encounter the opinion that the age of the model should notexceed 30 years. Why? Who set this age limit? In the modern world, a woman canlook gorgeous at 40, 50 and 60…. years.There are noobstacles to realizing a woman’s creative potential as a model at any age.


I amsuccessfully implementing myself as a podium model. I participate in fashionshows of designer clothes. In 2022, I participated in a designer clothing showat Milan Fashion Week in Italy. Several times a year I participate in fashionshows in different cities of Russia.I alsoparticipate in advertising shoots of clothes, jewelry, accessories. Manymanufacturers and designers are interested in cooperation with Age+ models.Now I inspireall women of my age to embark on the path of creative development. Every womancan achieve a brilliant result in this area, if she wishes. If you want to be amodel, be a model! If you want to be beautiful, be beautiful! All obstacles arein our consciousness. Stereotypes are imposed on us from outside. This hasnothing to do with modern reality. Now every woman has the opportunity todiscover a new better side of herself and realize her potential. And the mostimportant thing is that in the process of this transformation, a woman receivesa flow of female energy. This energy feeds us every minute. The mood improves,we feel happy and we will make our loved ones happy. A woman is a wonderfulmutuplicator, everything she receives from above, she gives to the worldmultiplying many times!

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