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Komal Pandey: A Journey from Struggle to Shining Star”

Komal Pandey: A Journey from Struggle to Shining Star”
My name is Komal Pandey, a 19-year-old Special Walk Model, known as the Shining Star India 2. Affectionately called “Laddoo” at home, I hail from Uttar Pradesh, Gonda. Despite my family’s lack of support, with a strong background—my father serving as a section officer in Delhi Sachivalaya—I am determined to pursue my dream of becoming an actress, driven by the deepest desires of my heart.
Apart from modeling, my passions include bike riding and listening to songs. Despite facing obstacles, I’ve persevered, knowing that one day my family will be proud of my achievements.
After a challenging 5-month struggle, I triumphed on the  realizing a significant milestone in my journey. Dance, once a passionate pursuit, faced opposition from my family, leading me to momentarily set aside that dream. Despite encountering sorrow and obstacles at a young age, I’ve resolved not to abandon my aspirations for anyone or anything.
In the face of adversity, I remain resolute, confident that my dedication will eventually earn the support and pride of my family.
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About Rihan Ansari

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