

As he dives for the sun, Icarus burns away his wings as humans yearn for their purposes, burning away in destitution. A child is born, and she is taught about apples and the depth of her parents’ pride. Expectations are tied around her neck like the rope of a death sentence that tightens year by year and second by second.

Dreams are hidden away and exist only during late nights in remembrance. A father helps her take her first step and teaches her the lesson of her (his) son. She is a canvas they splatter paint on in the shape of their incomplete dreams. All grey and black. How rapidly do the years pass by, living one’s life that doesn’t belong to them? The sun’s heat burnt away Icarus’ wings just as he was going to capture it. Forty or Fifty years, you fly and fly, getting nearer to the sun, but never enough. A gnawing conscious. Have you lived your life trying to fulfill another’s dream? Where are your best memories? And in the last of our lives, all we long for is a mother’s touch, a warm day, and a fleeting look of love from across the room. Icarus lies in death, defeated, his wings lost, and his son, a dream far away.

                                   –Farha Nez , Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

                                     Writers’ Association, Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous, Bengaluru, is to establish a welcoming environment where the aspiring writers of our college can gather, share ideas, and support one another as they explore the many forms of creative expression.


About Rihan Ansari

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