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Stranded in the ocean,

The little boy never returned.

Stranded in the ocean,

The little boy never returned the same.

Again and again, and again, and again

He moved as the waves did

Up and down, and up, and then down again.

He spoke like the water came

All at once with a painful shrill.

He spoke like the seagulls screamed.

Loud enough to reach the shore.

The little boy never really returned.

He never returned sane.

He merely came to say goodbye.

He had returned. He had conquered

All but his own heart.

All but the ocean and the vastness of it all.

Stranded in the vile blue of the ocean.

The little boy could never return home.

                                                  –Anitta Boban Thomas, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

                                                   Writers’ Association, Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous, Bengaluru, Karnataka, seeks to foster and encourage literary expressions that are both creative and critical.

About Rihan Ansari

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